20:49 01.05.2024

Ukraine preparing seven new security documents – Zelenskyy

2 min read
Ukraine preparing seven new security documents – Zelenskyy

Ukraine is preparing seven new security documents, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a video address on Wednesday.

"We are preparing seven more new security documents for our state – bilateral security transactions. In particular, regarding the security agreement with the United States... Weapons, finance, political interaction – today I worked with the team on the specific details of these documents, and on some of they already have a preliminary text of agreements," the president said.

"We are filling the draft agreements with stronger opportunities for Ukraine and our joint security with our partners. It is clear that a special priority is everything that will provide more protection from Russian terror," he said.

Zelenskyy said Ukraine has already fully implemented its part of its obligations to the EU in order to actually begin accession negotiations in June. "We are working to ensure that there are no delays or misunderstandings on the part of the European Union," Zelenskyy said.

According to him, today we "agreed on the final touches" for the Peace Summit, and we are also "working as actively as possible to ensure that as many leaders and countries as possible attend the Summit."

"The world can stop any aggressor. If it acts in unity and according to the rules of the majority, not a single aggression will withstand truly global pressure. And we all together must force Russia to peace," Zelenskyy said.